Zeus Comics Affiliate Program Begins

Zeus Comics Affiliate Program Begins

December 2, 2019

Zeus Comics begins offering commission sales through its new affiliate program, now available to content creators and bloggers. To learn more and apply for the program can be found at their website zeuscomics.com/affiliates

There aren’t many local comic shops that have any affiliate program or commission offers to speak of, and previous programs from companies like ComiXology have shut down. It is our hope that this commission program will let sites focus on great comic book commentary by promoting comics and pop-culture products to a highly dedicated customer base.

Zeus offers a commission rate of 6% on all completed cart purchases. Since Zeus’ website does not use cookies for managing its cart, there is no risk of affiliate expiration. The relationship between affiliates and a customer’s cart is virtually permanent. This gives affiliates readers plenty of time to complete their purchases without the risk of an expiration date.

Zeus wants bloggers to continue doing what they do best, sharing their love of comic books through an active website and/or social media page with a new way to add revenue.

Zeus Comics is now accepting applications at zeuscomics.com/affiliates

Richard Neal
Zeus Comics